2012: Ph.D Wisconsin Madison, Agricultural and Applied Economics
Dissertation obtained with highest distinction: Agricultural, Financial and Behavioral Changes on the Path to Sustainable Technology Adoption in Rural Mozambique
Adviser: Michael R. Carter
2005 M.A. at University of Clermont-Ferrand, Center for Study and Research in International Development (CERDI), Development Economics, 2005
Professional Experience
2019 - ... Associate Professor in Economics, University of Los Andes
2015 - 2019 Assistant Professor in Economics, University of Los Andes
2015 - ... Consultant contracts for World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Fondacion Bolivar Davivienda ...
2012 - 2015 Postdoctoral Scholar at Paris School of Economics
2009 - 2011 Research Assistant and Project Coordinator “Savings, Subsidies and Sustainable Food Security: A Field Experiment in Mozambique”
funded by BASIS AMA CRSP, U.S. Agency for International Development
2007- 2008 Consultant, World Bank Independent Evaluation Group, Washington, D.C
2005- 2007 Consultant, World Bank Vietnam Country Office, Washington, D.C. Main duty: Research
Major Research Grants
USD 400,000 Interamerican Development Bank 2020 “COVIDA: strategic testing of COVID-19 to support health policy in Bogota” (co-PI with Raquel Bernal and Giancarlo Buitrago)
USD 257,527 World Bank LSMS-ISA 2016-2017 “Skills measurement, reliability and validity application to Colombia” (co-PI with Karen Macours)
GBP 385,736 ESRC DFID 2014-2016 “Heterogeneous quality of agricultural commercial inputs and learning through experimentation” (co-PI with Karen Macours)
USD 196,229 World Bank LSMS-ISA 2012-2014 “Skills measurement and their role in agricultural productivity and technology adoption” (co-PI with Karen Macours)
USD 137,374 BASIS AMA CRSP, U.S. Agency for International Development, 2011 “Savings, Subsidies, and Sustainable Food Security in Mozambique: PostHarvest Survey” (co-PI with Michael R. Carter and Dean Yang)
USD 947,658 BASIS AMA CRSP, U.S. Agency for International Development, 2009-2011
“Savings, Subsidies, and Sustainable Food Security: A Field Experiment in Mozambique”
(co-PI with Michael R. Carter and Dean Yang)
Referee Activity
Agricultural Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Journal of African Economies, Journal of Development Economics (outstanding reviewer award), Journal of Development Studies, Journal of the European Economic Association, World Development
Proposal Reviews
World Bank (I2I, DIME, IFC)
BASIS Innovation Lab (USAid)
SPIA (Independent Science and Partnership Council of the CGIAR)
Inter-American Development Bank
Global Innovation Fund
Fluent in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic
Awards and Honors
2017 Journal of Development Economics Outstanding reviewer award
2014 EUDN (European Development Research Network) Associate Member
2013 Henry C. Taylor Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2012 3rd price at the IBES (International Behavioral Economic Section) student paper competition at the AAEA meetings.
2011-2012 Louis and Elsa Thomsen Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2007-2008 University Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Invited Seminars and Conference Presentations
University of Michigan
Sustainability and Development Conference (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
ABCDE (Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics) 2018 Washington DC
Trade Integration and Growth Network (TIGN) 9th annual Conference Lima, Peru (LACEA-IDB-CAF-RIDGE)
Jobs & Development Conference, Javeriana, Bogota
11th Annual Meeting Impact Evaluation Network (RIDGE) Montevideo, Uruguay
Workshop on Political Economy (RIDGE LACEA PEG) Montevideo, Uruguay
Banco de la Republica Medellin
University of California San Diego
University of California Berkeley
University of California Davis
University of San Francisco
Annual Bank Conference on Africa 2017 at UC Berkeley
16th Journées LAGV at Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE)
4th DIAL Development Conference (Paris Dauphine)
14TH Midwest International Economic Development Conference UW Madison
CGIAR Conference on Impacts of International Agricultural Research: Rigorous Evidence for Policy in Nairobi
World Bank workshop on Innovations in Skills Measurement: New Lessons in Using and Developing Skills Surveys
RCT evidence from agronomical trials in Kenya (co-organizer of the workshop)
“Skills: Measurement, dynamics and effects”, LACEA Labor Network 4th Annual Meeting, Cartagena
“Understanding the Productivity Gap in Latin America” workshop organized by CAF in Buenos Aires
NBER “The Economics of Asset Accumulation and Poverty Traps”, Washington DC
EUDN Scientific Conference, ESOP University of Oslo
60’th ISI World Statistics Congress, Rio
Improving productivity in developing countries: identifying bottlenecks and obstacles to productive investments and technology adoption, ESRC, IFS, Goodenough College, London
Paris School of Economics
University of Los Andes
University if Carlos III Madrid
IFPRI, Washington DC
Australian National University
CSAE Oxford University
Oxford Development Economics Workshop
MIEDC in University of Minnesota
University of California Davis
University of San Francisco
University of California San Diego
Paris School of Economics
Annual Bank Conference on Africa (World Bank)
NEUDC in Boston
BREAD 24th conference in Development Economics, at the WB in Washington DC
EUDN (European Union Development Network) in Namur,
Center for the Study of African Economies in Oxford,
Midwest International Economic Development Conference at UW Madison,
Paris School of Economics
ATAI partnership Development Conference at Berkeley
IFPRI in Washington DC
PacDev at UC Davis
Eastern Economic Association Meetings in Boston
World Bank Development Impact Evaluation Group in Nairobi Kenya.
AAEA IBES (International and Behavioral Economics Section) in Seattle
International Conference for Agricultural Economists in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil
Workshop on Agricultural Productivity in Africa at Paris School of Economics
NEUDC at Dartmouth College
Paris School of Economics
UW Madison
UC Davis